My thoughts on the newly released film Spider-Man: No Way Home! Let's talk about some of the highs of the movie and some of the lows. *SPOILERS AHEAD*
By: Marquis White

Photo: IMDb
FINALLY! The long-anticipated movie event of the year is here! Spider-Man: No Way Home premiered on December 17th and since then it has been a blast! To see everyone’s response to the movie, the love it’s been getting along with the conversations being had, it’s truly been quite the spectacle. When I say this movie delivered, it DELIVERED. It was well worth the wait and probably one of the top MCU experiences since Endgame. So, before I put in my two cents, if you have not seen the movie STOP HERE! There are spoilers ahead so STOP! Come back after you’ve seen the film.
Now for those of you who have seen the movie…here’s what I think…
Let’s talk about the 3 important factors that made this movie work. Starting with the fact they turned my boy from Iron-Boy, Jr to Spider-Man REAL QUICK! I mean this is what the people have been waiting for! We were tired of Peter doubting his abilities and not accepting his true power but, in this film, he finally does! He made the big boy decisions by himself, he took responsibility, and kicked butt. Marvel definitely established Tom’s character as Spider-Man and I hope we can get more of his portrayal because he’s just getting started. At the end of the movie, you realize that this isn’t just another Spider-Man story for the MCU, but it’s his origin story that leaves us wanting more.
Next, Willem DaFoe was really da foe. This man was more menacing than his first portrayal of Norman Osborn back in 2002! I mean, the battle between Goblin and Peter in the apartment *chef’s kiss* just wow. What's even more fascinating is the fact that Willem did his own stunts. This made the performance even more spectacular given his age. He quickly became a top MCU villain in my eyes. It was that good. Shout out, Alfred Molina and Jamie Foxx for them reprising their roles too. They were great.
Lastly (most important of them all), we got all our Spider-Men on the big screen together. Seeing Tobey and Andrew come through their portals was exhilarating! The crowd was going nuts. Tears were being shed (not me though). It was a moment. After all the speculation and Andrew denials, there they were and I have to say that they were on the screen for a decent amount of time too. Clearly, Andrew stood out the most and seeing his character finally receive closure was a MOMENT. It became clear to most that Andrew was a great Spider-Man and always was, just wasn’t given the right opportunity. Seeing Tobey as the elder, more mentor-like Spider-Man was heart warming and made my inner child smile. Then seeing Tom lead the trio proved that he was top dog and that his potential is through the roof! Although it is very unlikely, it’d be great to get them all on the same screen again battling against the next Spidey foe, but what we got in the movie was more than enough. It all worked, it truly did.

Photo: JanBharat Times
Now, let’s talk about the 3 moments that didn’t work in the movie for me. First off, Ned. Don’t act surprised now. You mean to tell me that it took Dr. Strange months to master his craft but in ONE scene Ned can just open a portal? Huuuhhhhhhh? Guys, I’m sorry but that’s just lazy writing. I’m not buying that.
Secondly, Aunt May dying. My thoughts are this, I understand that for anybody that takes the mantle of Spider-Man, somebody close to him must perish. I would assume that in Spider-Man’s story arc that’s an absolute point in time for the character. HOWEVER, the whole trope of a woman dying in order for the man to truly identify something in himself has to end. It’s not it. They could have kept it as Uncle Ben or even killed off Happy for the moment to still hit emotionally and Peter fully realize what must be done.
Lastly, the premise of the movie didn’t make sense to me. Here’s why, if you cure each villain…can’t they just go back to their universe and do the same thing they been doing? Seriously…you cured their powers but that doesn’t mean you cured their motives? Doc Ock is still going to want to have the power of the sun in the palm of his hands. Electro still wants to be noticed. Norman Osborn always been a mean guy. Then the Lizard wants to make more lizards! Then the Sandman just wants to see his daughter. So, you mean to tell me Aunt May is sacrificed so the Green Goblin and the rest of them can live? Yeah right...I’m not rocking with it. I know for a fact I wouldn’t be sacrificing my auntie for some villain. TUH. Like I said, it was just a few moments that didn’t work for me but that doesn’t neglect the fact that this movie was still great! Plus...we can't have it all. There is no perfect movie. I'm just glad this film delivered.

Photo: CNET
To be completely real with you guys, this is not the best MCU movie or best SPIDER-MAN movie of all time. YUP! I said it people and I meant it. Infinity War and Spider-Man 2 take the crown on those two (in my opinion). However, this IS the best Tom Holland Spider-Man movie by FAR! This movie was great! I can’t say that enough. I think it’s safe to say that I, along with other fans, were nervous for this film for a multitude of reasons. Some being that we got the trailer later than what was expected, there were leaks left and right, the marketing for the film wasn’t up to par for a movie this huge, and there was a lot at stake for what this movie meant for the MCU going forward. So yeah, I was a tad bit nervous...BUT this movie exceeded expectations more than I could imagine. It was an emotional roller coaster ride filled with joy, laughter, sadness, pain, and whatever other emotion you can think of. They were ALL present in the theatre. From the dialogue between the characters to the action sequences to the cinematography of the movie. It was all great. To Kevin Feige and Amy Pascal, hats off *inserts applause*. Job well done and who knows…maybe they might snag that Oscar.
… but that’s ju- wait who’s Peter Parker?